We are always looking for new members to join our friendly orchestra, especially strings of all sizes (violas and basses particularly welcome) and brass players.
If you are interested in joining , please contact the Membership Secretary by e-mail at members@wsorchestra.org.uk or by phone using the number listed on the Contacts page. There are no formal auditions as such, but each new person is offered a term’s free attendance. After that, a mutual decision with the conductor will be made about playing in the forthcoming concert and/or permanent membership towards the end of the term.
No general indication of the standard required is made, but members of the orchestra should be able to cope with the demands of major orchestral works after a term’s rehearsal.
For woodwind and brass players this includes making such transpositions as are necessary to play their instrument from the published orchestral part. (e.g, playing trumpet in E parts on a B flat trumpet). Similarly, it is not unusual for clarinet parts in Classical symphonies to be printed for clarinets in C.